Tim Mouskhelichvili • September 12, 2022 • 2 minutes to read
When creating a React web application or library, often a developer needs to import JSON data. A typical example is having a JSON file with country names used by the React web application. Luckily, it is easy to achieve [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • September 7, 2022 • 3 minutes to read
The react-router package is a fantastic library that enables React applications to have different routes that users can view. It has various features; however, one of its most significant ones is its ability to manipulate the browser history inside [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • September 6, 2022 • 3 minutes to read
When developing a React web application, a developer often wants to center containers within the user screen. Luckily, React makes it easy to do it with the help of various CSS properties. To center a component in React, you [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • September 5, 2022 • 2 minutes to read
When you create a form in your React web application, often a developer wants to set focus on the first input. Think of any sign-in or sign-up form that you see on the Internet. Luckily, this is very simple [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 31, 2022 • 4 minutes to read
Sometimes, a developer may need to call a child's function from a parent component. Luckily, React provides simple methods to make this task easy. To call a child's function from a parent component in React, you can: Use a [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 30, 2022 • 4 minutes to read
Images are often the most significant elements (size-wise) to load on a website. That's why it is best only to load the images that the user sees, and when the user scrolls, progressively load the others. This brings the [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 29, 2022 • 3 minutes to read
Whether you are creating a single-page application or an e-commerce store, there is often a situation when you need to get the URL of the current page. Luckily, this is easy to accomplish in React. To get the current [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 24, 2022 • 3 minutes to read
When working on a React web application, buttons are one of the most common elements a developer will use. Sometimes, a developer may want to enable a button conditionally. This situation brings the question of how to disable a [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 23, 2022 • 2 minutes to read
React provides a simple way to build web applications. Often, those applications require adding links to other Internet resources. This brings the question of how to open a link in a new tab. Luckily it is easy to accomplish [...]
Tim Mouskhelichvili • August 22, 2022 • 3 minutes to read
Unlike other frameworks, React doesn't provide support for two-way data binding with form inputs. In React, form management is more complicated because you need to manage it yourself. This brings the question of how to clear an input in [...]