How To Export A Function In React?

Tim Mouskhelichvili
Tim Mouskhelichvili
• 2 minutes to read

Developers use different files to separate various code pieces when developing a React application. Those files interact by exporting and importing each other's classes, functions, and variables. This brings the question of how to export a function in React.

To export a function in React, you can:

  • Use a named export
  • Use a default export

This article will analyze those methods and show when to use each one of them.

Let's get to it 😎.

ES6 or ECMAScript 6 provides two main ways of exporting a module from a file:

  • using a named export
  • using a default export

Method #1 - Export a function as a named export

The easiest way to export a React function is by using a named export.

The main advantage of using a named export is the ability to export multiple modules as a list.

Here is a code example of how to export functions:

javascriptimport React from "react";

// This is named export.
export const Element = () => <div>element</div>;

// This is also a named export.
export const getName = () => "Tim";

If you want to export multiple functions simultaneously, you can export the functions as a list of named exports.

javascriptimport React from "react";

const Element = () => <div>element</div>;

const getName = () => "Tim";

export { Element, getName };

Then, inside another file, you can import those functions, like so:

javascriptimport { Element, getName } from 'src/file';

When importing a named export, use the same name as the module's export name.

Method #2 - Export a function as a default export

Another option to export a function is using the default export.

The most significant differences between a default and a named export are:

  • A file can only contain one default export.
  • A file can contain multiple named exports.

One file can combine a default export with multiple named exports.

When importing a default export, you can use any name you want.

Here is a code example of a default export:

javascriptimport React from "react";

const Element = () => <div>element</div>;

export default Element;

And here is how you import this function into another file:

javascriptimport Element from 'src/file';

Or use any name you want:

javascriptimport MyElement from 'src/file';

Both imports are going to work.

Note: When importing a default export, you do not use curly braces (as opposed to named exports).

Final thoughts

As you can see, exporting a function in React is simple.

You have two methods of doing it, using a named and a default export.

I recommend using the named export because using the default export can cause refactoring problems in your code. Also, since you can use any name you want when importing a default module, your code may become inconsistent (for example, if many developers work on the same repository).

react export function

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