How To Convert A String To Boolean In TypeScript?

Tim Mouskhelichvili
Tim Mouskhelichvili
• 2 minutes to read

When developing a TypeScript project, developers often need to convert a string to a boolean. But how do you do it?

This article shows multiple methods to convert a string to a boolean in TypeScript with code examples.

Let's get to it 😎.

typescript string to boolean

Solution #1 - Use the strict equality operator

The simplest method to convert a string to a number in TypeScript involves using the strict equality operator (also called the identity operator) to check if a string equals true.

Here is an example:

typescriptconst strValue = 'true';

const boolValue = strValue === 'true';

// Outputs: true

This solution is case-sensitive, meaning it will not work if the string value begins with an uppercase letter. To make the solution case-intensive, you can transform the string value to lowercase.

Here is the case-insensitive solution:

typescriptconst strValue = 'True';

const boolValue = strValue.toLowerCase() === 'true';

// Outputs: true

Solution #2 - Use a regex

Another solution to convert a string to a number in TypeScript involves using a regex.

Here is an example:

typescriptconst strValue = 'true';

const boolValue = /^\s*(true|1|on)\s*$/i.test(strValue);

// Outputs: true

This solution is case-insensitive, AND it matches true, 1 and on.

Solution #3 - Use the Boolean object

Using the JavaScript built-in Boolean object, you can also convert a string to a boolean.

Here is an example:

typescriptconst v1 = Boolean('true');  // Returns true
const v2 = Boolean('false'); // Returns true
const v3 = Boolean(' ');     // Returns true
const v4 = Boolean(null);    // Returns false

As you can see, this method determines if a value is truthy, as opposed to if a string equals true, so this solution may only be suited for some use cases.

Solution #4 - Use the JSON.parse function

Finally, you can convert a string to a boolean using the built-in JSON.parse function.

Here is an example:

typescript// Returns true
const v1 = JSON.parse('true'.toLowerCase());

// Returns false
const v2 = JSON.parse('false'.toLowerCase());

Final thoughts

As you can see, casting a string to a boolean is simple in TypeScript.

You have many different methods to choose from.

Which one you choose is a matter of preference.

As for myself, I prefer the strict equality operator method (usually).

typescript string to boolean

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