AftrConsulting (Application)

Tim Mouskhelichvili
Tim Mouskhelichvili
2 minutes to read

In 2021, I designed & developed a Next.js single-page application for AftrConsulting, a web development agency based in Montreal.

This application converts well and has many awesome features (like giving the ability to switch themes and languages on the fly).


I developed the application using the following technologies:

  • Next.js
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Markdown
  • Redux (state management)

You can check the application's code here.

The requirements

The client needed a fast website to attract new clients to its web development agency.

Also, the client wanted the application to support English and French languages and have a dark mode.

Finally, the client wanted to be able to add MarkDown blog posts to the website easily.

And that's what I did!

Project development

The development of the application took me four months.

We chose to develop the application using Next.js to show AftrConsulting's clients its expertise in new frameworks.

It was my first time using this technology, and I could not be more pleased with the final result. Learning a new technology always brings challenges, but overcoming them is what I like the most about my profession.

I designed the application as a single-page application, which means that the transition from page to page is seamless for the user.

For state management, I used Redux. To style the components, I used styled-components. To show MarkDown in React, I used react-markdown.

I wrote the whole application in TypeScript.

Some screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the website for you to enjoy.

The main page on big screens:

aftconsulting screen 1

The main page on mobile:

aftconsulting screen 2

The footer on mobile:

aftconsulting screen 3

Final thoughts

I really enjoyed working on this project.

The project was exciting, and I learned a ton of new things!
